2.2016-2018 National Science Foundation Noyce Grant: Preparing Teachers for Urban School Contexts. 参与美国国家自然科学基金会:城市学校STEM教师教育研究;
3.2016-2018 National Science Foundation: Supporting the Study and Career of Undergraduate Students from Underserved Families. 参与美国国家自然科学基金会:支持来自贫困和移民家庭的本科生的STEM学习与职业生涯规划;
4.2016 Parallel Stories: Teachers and Professional Developers in a Transformative Online Professional Learning Community of China, International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT). 主持国际教师与教学研究协会: 网络教师社群中教师与教师发展引导者的平行叙事探究;
6.Li, J., & Craig, C. (2021). A narrative inquiry into a beginning teacher’s living counter stories in a high-needs school in rural China. Research Papers in Education (SSCI);
7.Craig, C., Li, J., Rios, A., Lee, H., Verma, R.M. (2022). Wounded healer,: The impact of a grant-supported scholarship on an underrepresented science, technology, engineering and mathematics student’s career and life. Frontiers in Education;
8.Craig, C., Li, J., & Kelley, M (2021) ‘Charting waters of New Seas’: the scholarly contributions of Elliot Eisner, Journal of Curriculum Studies (SSCI);
9.Li, J., Yang, X., & Craig, C. (2019) A narrative inquiry into a teacher-principal’s fostering his best-loved self with facilitators in an online teacher community. Journal of Education for Teaching (SSCI);
10.Li, J., & Craig, C. (2019). A narrative inquiry into a rural teacher’s emotions and identities in China: through a teacher knowledge community lens, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 25(8), 918-936. (SSCI);
11.Craig, C., Evans, P., Verma, R., Stokes, D., & Li, J. (2019). A tribute to “unsung teacher”: teachers’ influences on students enrolling in STEM programs with the intent of entering STEM careers. European Journal of Teacher Education (SSCI);
12.Li, J. (2021). The unknown self: small stories from an online teacher community in China. In Ratman, T., & Craig, C. (Eds.) Excessive Teacher Entitlement: Digging at the Roots. (book chapter);
13.Li, J., Evans, P., Craig, C., Stokes, D., Verma, R., & Zhu, G. (2021). The influence of professors on students enrolled in the STEM programs with the intent of embarking on STEM careers. (book chapter);
14.Li, J., Craig, C., Gale, T., Norton, M., Zhu, G., Evans, P., Stokes, D., & Verma, R. (2021). The value of STEM scholarship grants to undergraduate and graduate students intending to study the STEM disciplines and pursue STEM careers. (book chapter);
15.Craig, C., Evans, P., Stokes, D. & Li, J., (2018). The Gordian knot of teacher induction: When context trumps teacher preparation and the desire to teach. In D. McDonald (Ed.), Teacher induction in secondary schools in urban America. Charlotte, NC: InfoAge Publishing. (book chapter);
16.Li, J., Logan, K. (2017). Stories of an English language arts teacher in a high-needs, secondary school: A narrative inquiry into her best-loved self. In V. Ross., E. Chan & D. Keyes (Eds.), Crossroads of the classroom: Narrative intersections of teacher knowledge and the subject matter. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. (book chapter);
17.Li, J. (2016). From self-doubt to self-acceptance: An ESL learner's journey. GATESOL in GATESOL in Action, (1) 1-9。